Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Grade 11 and 12 Graphic Design Culminating Unit
Final Project Presentations and panels are due Monday June 1
The Task:
For your final culminating unit you will be creating the following options:
Option A) a marketing campaign for an Electric Scooter company or one of your choice:
a) A Company Logo ( 3¼" × 4½) 300dpi
b) Business Card and Letter Head (3¼" × 11) 300dpi
c) A Poster or an Advertisement 11" × 17" 300dpi
d) Website homepage 680pxX480px 72dpi
Option B) Marshall McLuhan CSS Yearbook
(Must see Mr. Padilla for details)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Rick Mercer Photo Challenge-Due April 29th
Every so often Rick Mercer post a new photo on his webpage page. You'll download the photo and save it to your computer. Then, while you're at your computer open your favourite photo editing software (photoshop) and turn it into something special, like this, or this. Save your masterpiece and email a copy to photo challenge and save a copy for me to get a mark.
Click here to download image:
If you have any questions, please leave a comment. Good luck!Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Designing a Guitar Pick for Chris Hadfield--Due date: April 1

A farm boy from southern Ontario, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield was interested in flying from an early age. He joined the Air Cadets in his teens, and later became a test pilot in the Canadian Air Force. In 1992 Chris Hadfield was chosen as one of four new Canadian astronauts.
In 1995 Chris Hadfield became the first Canadian to operate the Canadarm in orbit, and the only Canadian to ever board the Russian space station Mir. In 2001 on a space flight to the International Space Station, Chris Hadfield became the first Canadian to walk in space.
Space Missions of Chris Hadfield:
- Flight Engineer and ISS Commaneder on Expedition 34/35 - Soyuz TMA - Scheduled to launch December 2012 and last 6 months
- Mission Specialist on Space Mission STS-74 - Space Shuttle Atlantis - November 12-20, 1995
- Mission Specialist on Space Mission STS-100 - Space Shuttle Endeavour - April 19 - May 1, 2001
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Spirit of Mandela Week Poster Contest 2011-Due date March 29th
The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund (Canada) is proud to present the Third Annual Spirit of Mandela Week Poster Contest. This is an opportunity for students to apply their creative skills in crafting a poster which visualizes the School-Based Program. The theme of this year’s contest is Equity, Inclusion and Diversity. The poster needs to visually demonstrate how we build a world that honours social justice for all.
The winner of the Spirit of Mandela Week Poster Contest will be announced at the official launch of Spirit of Mandela Week – March 28th, 2011. It will become the official poster for the School Based Program for 2011 and will be distributed in thousands of schools across Canada. The winner will also receive a copy of the poster, which will be sent to the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund in South Africa – a great honour!
Students across Canada are invited to design a poster that will be used for
NMCF (Canada) 2011 Spirit of Mandela Week
Winning Poster 2009 designed by a student from Crescent Heights High School
- Contest Entries will only be accepted in colour.
- The poster should be two-dimensional (flat surface), and hand-drawn or painted . Photographs and/or three-dimensional submissions made of tinsel, cotton or wooden sticks for example, will not be accepted. Computer generated posters will not be accepted. Images from calendars, magazines, web sites, etc., are not permitted.
- Only original artwork will be accepted.
- Titles or short sentences (maximum 10 words) are permitted.
- Candidates must fill out and attach the registration form along with authorized consent for the use of their name.
- Your poster will become the property of Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund (Canada) and may be used and/or transmitted in various formats – email, public displays, on-line gallery, etc.
- Contest entries will not be returned.
DIMENSIONS: Entries must be no larger than 43 cm x 53 cm OR 17″ x 21″.
ELIGIBILITY: Individual students or groups of students from K-12 in Canada
Poster contest form
Send submissions to by February 26, 2010:
Ka’ren Feder
Spirit of Mandela Week Poster Contest
Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund (Canada)
2 Berkeley Street, Suite 210
Toronto, Ontario
M5A 4J5
NOTE: Any poster submissions that do not meet the above guidelines requirements will be automatically disqualified.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Skillls Canada Graphic Design Competition-Due March 1
Check the following link for more info:
Click here to see samples:
Any questions please see me.
Due date: Feb 2--desk crit
Monday, January 10, 2011
Snowboard and Alpine Ski Design

Design 3 different graphics for a Snowboard or downhill Alpine Ski. Your designs should appeal to a young and active group ages between 16 to 24. Think about the principle and elements of design and how you can incorporate it in your design. Let your imagination and creativity come up with your very own and unique designs.
*All designs must be on a 8.5X11 (document size)
*All final designs must be in vector format (Adobe Illustrator)
*You may use Photoshop to create your effects and image manipulations. Make sure that your resolutions is 300 dpi
*One (1) of three (3) graphic designs must have your name as the focal point
Okay, these snowboard graphics are "off the hook" and I have to share them. The difference between information design and design “just” for the sake of design is clear.
Check out these designs
Due date:TBA
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
New Year's reflection and goals
Your 2010 reflection should discuss:
a)What accomplishments and achievements did you attain in school (or outside of school) in 2010
b)What you learned and discovered about yourself in 2010
c)What you learned about your future interest and goals in 2010
After reflecting on 2010 set your goals for 2011:
a)State 3 goals you want to achieve in 2011
b)Tell me how you are going to achieve these goals
c)Give me one prediction you have about 2011
Due date: by the end of class